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New Music From “Karla Moscato” – Damaged (Official Music Video) @karlamoscato

Posted by By at 29 March, at 17 : 53 PM Print

Finally a New Jersey female artist with some substance! Karla Federica Moscato, a Hip-Hop artist born in Union City, NJ has been making noise with her single “Damaged”. The visuals are cinematic and quite honestly the only word that comes to mind is BAD ASS!

At an early age, Karla “KM” Moscato began to get involved with local artists, extending her talents while creating a foundation and name for herself. After spending some time developing a unique sense of style, songwriting became a second nature at a young age. KM used her personal experiences and poured her feelings into her songs, as if they were a diary and her fans had found it.

With over 240k streams on YouTube with the video “Damaged”directed by Jon Leyton, Karla is no stranger to making hits. Her song “Like Fleas” is also over 100k and the visuals are fire. All her videos have some kind of story to tell, a unique vision to go along with her well diverse lyrics giving fans a real treat to look forward to when expecting Karla’s releases.

Video :

Now more focused and determined as ever, her objective is to simply make great music and to one day be in a position to give back to her grandparents, her mother while never forgetting where she came from. WE LOVE THAT! Go check out Karla Moscato’s “Damaged” video below, follow her Instagram @karlamoscatoofficial and check out her website for updates! www.karlamoscato.com



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