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Scoop B Radio – Pop Act JopauL Talks Music & Comparisons To Pitbull

Posted by By at 29 June, at 09 : 13 AM Print

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The highest compliment someone can give is comparing your talent to one of the greats.

We’ve been privy to the party Pitbull, the Grammy award winning, sharply dressed stage commander who has worked with everybody from Jennifer Lopez, Usher, Christina Aguilera and Chris Brown.

Well, there’s another guy that you should be paying attention to and that’s an artist by the name of JopauL. A native New Yorker, JopauL is making headway in his own right. His current single, You Got It, has over 100k Streams on Spotify. Additionally, the song’s visual has 200 K views on Vevo, ranked 150 on DRT’s Top 200 National Airplay Charts and is in heavy rotation in over 300 digital, internet, satellite, as well as some p1 stations.Check It Out

“I take that as a type of endearment,” said JopauL. “Anytime that you can be related to somebody who’s at the top echelon of artists that are out there and consistently doing it, that’s great.”

It’s easy to typecast JoPauL as a Pitbull because they both wear a baldie and rock Ray Ban sunglasses. Nevertheless, seeing JoPaul grow as an artist is pretty cool. Not only does he put out good music, but he’s also an entrepreneur. Over the last month, he’s been active in his community putting on fashion shows in Manhattan which has gotten a huge draw. A cursory look at his instagram page highlights the fan love that he gets from well wishers and fans that are happy to see all he’s been doing thus far.

Pitbull may have Miami on lock, but New York city has a gem in JoPauL.

A student of the game, it was pretty cool to find out how he fell in love with music. In a recent interview, he told me that while his mom was carrying he and his twin brother, his dad would put headphones on his mom’s stomach. “And it worked,” he said. “Music was with us before we were breathing oxygen.”

Follow his journey via his Twitter and Instagram at @IamJoPaul


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