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[Video] IZ – Pressure (Dir by MikeskiTV)

Posted by By at 27 March, at 23 : 17 PM Print

“Pressure”, was the first song written by IZ after the death of his cousin Courtney. Courtney played a very important part in IZ’s life and was one of the main reasons he even began to pursue music. The song was written based on what IZ was going through, feeling at the time, and what he still feels at times. IZ could not gather his thoughts nor think straight until one day he listened to a beat as he was looking at Courtney’s obituary and said, “Cuz, help me write something damn!” then “Pressure” was created. You can what the authenticity and feel the importance of the song as IZ raps for Courtney. IZ states, “All the pressure did was create a diamond in the rough and I shall forever shine!!” LONG LIVE COURTNEY

Watch on YouTube https://youtu.be/rySl–JA4iE

Follow IZ on IG @iz_chozen_few


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